Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month, starting at 2.00pm, at All Saints Church Hall, Smedley Street, Matlock.
The group is open to all members of MAU3A and additional singers will be very welcome! No experience is neccessary, just a desire to sing for enjoyment.
Members of our group vary in singing experience, from those who last sung at school (if at all), to those who have sung in various roles most of their lives. Tastes are varied and members bring suggestions, music and words to the group. We sing a wide selection of pieces such as folk songs, rounds, songs from the shows, Beatles – and we are always looking to increase our repertoire!
More experienced members help with a little instruction and we hope that meetings will give everyone a chance to sing songs they like as well as songs they have not tried before. There’s nothing like a good sing to lift your spirits, so come and join us!
The cost to attend is £1.00 per session, which includes the cost of the hall and refreshments.
The group is always looking to extend its musical experience so if any U3A members play an instrument that could accompany a song or two, we would be delighted to sing with you!
The groups’ coordinator is Hazel Finch, who can be contacted by e-mail or by telephone on 07881 203650.