
Pickleball is an easy to learn low impact exercise that can be enjoyed by most people, especially seniors. The aim of the game is to have fun, socialise and get fit.

Pickleball is a cross between table tennis and badminton. It’s played on a badminton size court but with a 3 foot high net, large table tennis type bat, a hollow plastic ball and is usually played as doubles; see the attached video.

It is a game ideally suited for the U3A age group which means that if you have some racket sport skills already you could be playing after just 10 minutes! If you’re a beginner or a complete novice you’ll get encouragement and support from the group and hopefully you’ll very quickly improve your skills. We would like to be as inclusive as possible so do get in touch if you’re wondering if this group is for you or not;  if we get enough members that are interested we may be able to put on a beginners session.

Comfortable clothing that’s suitable for racket sports should be worn, whilst non slip soled shoes are a must. Equipment such as rackets are provided.
There is a *£3 fee per hour which contributes towards the cost of booking the court. *This may decrease in the future depending on numbers and the success of the group. First try out session is free.

We currently play at the Arc, on *Mondays 12 -1pm and Wednesdays between 5-7pm.
These days and times may be subject to change. (we do play on Monday Bank Holidays but please check first before turning up). If you are interested in joining, please contact the co-ordinators, Sharon Shirley or Rachel Jenkinson by e-mailing pickleball@matlockareau3a.org.uk

* We try to meet for coffee first on a Monday in the Arc cafe about 11.15, you’re welcome to join us.