
A number of us set out to produce a mosaic of tiles on the theme Woodland Flora. Here is the result so far.

Monthly Project—Harvest time

The aim of the group is to develop our skills and knowledge in drawing and painting, from the total beginner to the more experienced, using various mediums in an atmosphere of mutual help and encouragement. Above all, we intend to have fun!

The Painting Group meets in the Scout and Guide Headquarters in Matlock Green every Wednesday from 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon.

There is a charge of £1.50 per member per week to cover the cost of room hire and refreshments.

The group’s coordinator is Gill Oldroyd, who can be contacted by e-mail.

Each month we have a different “theme” whereby members can work on a painting – either at home or in class. On one of the monthly sessions we have a mini-workshop.

Themes for 2024 include:
January Animals great or small
February ‘In the style of’
March Easter extravaganza
April Fabric swatch
May Derbyshire scene
June June is bursting out all over!
July Rivers, lakes or seas
August ….. summer break ….
September Evening skies
October Witches and Wizards
November Bonfire night
December Seasonal memories

We also hope to have outside demonstrators in Oils, Watercolour and Brusho along with mini workshops by our own members on Encaustic Wax Painting, Printing and Abstract work.

Members of the Painting Group with the artist Jenny Oldknow

Encaustic Painting ( painting in hot wax) by Anne Ibrahim

Please note that a second painting group, known as the Art Group, meets weekly on Tuesday mornings. For more details please click here.