Local History

The Local History Group normally meets on the last Monday of every month at Tansley Village Hall, with a small charge to cover the hire of the room and refreshments. For the months where there is a Bank Holiday, we change, usually to the week before.

Indoor meetings at Tansley Village Hall are from 2 – 4pm in the Upstairs Room.. 

Our aim is to educate members about the history of our diverse county, both of the people and the places. We realise that some members will have loads of spare time to do their own research, and some members will have little spare time, but we would like to encourage all members to participate in educating the other group members. So it is hoped that members of the group will conduct their own research into a chosen area of interest, maybe just working alone, or in pairs or even small groups,
then give a talk to the rest of the group on their findings. This could even culminate in a visit to some historic site.

During the summer months we try to arrange something outdoors, if it is one of the many tourist attractions around here, there will be an entry fee. Sometimes it is a free trip where one of the members leads the group on maybe a tour around a village or site of historical interest.

Below please see what is already arranged for 2024:-

29th January – Terry – Robinson’s a Dynasty founded on Lint – Upstairs Room at Tansley Village Hall 2pm

26th February –  Susan with a sort of quiz plus Britannia Park etc and maybe another person…Upstairs Room at Tansley Village Hall 2pm

25th March – Sheila Taylor – Talk on Clay Cross; plus John and Ann – a 300 year old organisation Upstairs Room at Tansley Village Hall 2pm

29th April – Upstairs Room at Tansley Village Hall 2pm

20th May week early due to Bank Holiday

24th June

29th July – Sheila Taylor – Matlock Green and Old Matlock meet at 2pm in
Knowleston Gardens, Matlock Green

19th August – week early due to Bank Holiday – Walk around Bonsall with
Janet, time and details later or contact coordinator – see below

30th September – Tansley Village Hall 2pm
John Arnold – Snitterton Hall; John and Ann – a 300 year old

28th October – Tansley Village Hall 2pm subject TBA

25th November – Tansley Village Hall 2pm  – Mike Monastic Granges

16th December – Tansley Village Hall 2pm
early because of Christmas and New Year  –  all participate – 4 – 5
minute pieces

If you are interested in joining the group coordinator is Susan Tomlinson, who can be contacted by e-mail, or by telephone on 01629 583763.

Can you spot the differences in Matlock from 1893 and 2021?

Images courtesy of Susan Tomlinson