The aim of this group is to explore the wonderful world of jazz.
The Jazz Appreciation group is now entering it’s seventh year and would welcome new members.
The formula is quite straight-forward; we meet once a month in the comfort of a sitting room and play CDs and tapes of past masters and more contemporary artists. The twin criteria are that the music is both easy on the ear and stimulating.
All styles of jazz are covered – traditional, modern, blues, big bands, Latin American, vocals etc.
We also know that out there, in the world wide web, there remain countless recordings that await discovery, and by just keeping abreast of the contemporary jazz scene we may again harvest something special.
The Jazz Appreciation group meets on the second Thursday of each month from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. The location varies, but can be ascertained from the group coordinator.

Life is a lot like Jazz… it’s best when you improvise
The group’s coordinator is Mike Reuss, who can be contacted by e-mail, or by telephone on 01629 584622.