The International Folk Dance Group is an enthusiastic group which have learnt and continue to learn a wide variety of dances from outside the British Isles. Many of the dances are from the Balkans, especially Bulgaria, Romania and Albania, with Greek, Turkish, Armenian, Israeli and Russian included in the mix!
Most of the dances are performed in a circle but the group is not a circle dance group, mostly learning traditional international folk dances, ably led by Gill Seller and Janet King a long established folk dancer. As a result of her enthusiasm, some of the group are now able to teach their own particular favourites.
We are encouraged to attend International Folk Dance courses, both locally and further afield, so that we can take advantage of specialist IFD teachers, who have often come from abroad, to teach for a few days in this country.
In this way we are helped to develop our skills and our repertoire. We are often joined by other local U3A IFD group leaders so we’re able to learn their favourite dances as well!
The group meets weekly, (usually following the school terms), on a Friday from 10.00am to 12noon at the All Saints Church Hall, Smedley Street, Matlock. Please contact the co-ordinator to confirm whether the class is on before attending.
There is a charge of £1.50 per session to cover room hire and 30p for refreshments.
The group’s coordinator is Hilary Casey. You can contact her by e-mail or by telephone on 01629 820076.