Current Affairs 1

The aim of this group is discuss current affairs as described in newspapers, radio, television, advertising, design, the internet, the global village or any other publicly available source.  The first half of the meeting will be on a pre-agreed subject, and the second half on whatever major or minor news stories appeal to members of the group.  Each month the co-ordinator will prepare a run-down of the front page headlines from all the National Papers for the day to act as an aide-memoire.

Current Affairs Group “1” meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 2.00pm to 4.00pm in members’ homes. Anyone needing information about the location of a particular meeting should contact one of the co-ordinators.

There is a charge of 30p per person at each meeting for tea/coffee and biscuits.

The group’s coordinator is Tony Symes, who can be contacted by email, or by telephone on 01629 356860.